Certification: Pilots and Flight and Ground Instructors (AC 61-65H)
This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for pilot and instructor applicants, pilots, flight instructors, ground instructors, and examiners on the certification standards, knowledge test procedures, and other requirements in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 61.
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The FAA Advisory Circular Certification: Pilots and Flight and Ground Instructors (AC 61-65H) contains information on topics covered in 14 CFR 61 — primarily certification standards and knowledge test procedures. The regulations in 14 CFR 61 are written in a legal format, making them difficult to decipher in a meaningful way.
The purpose of AC 61-65, as stated on the document's cover page, is to provide guidance. The intended audience includes:
The chapter headings in AC 61-65 correspond to topics in 14 CFR Part 61, so CFI candidates should become familiar with this Advisory Circular, while having the ability to look up a regulation in Part 61 if asked to do so during the CFI oral exam.
Practical Test Standards: Flight Instructor
II. Technical Subject Areas
Task J: 14 CFR and Publications
Objective: To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to logbook entries and certificate endorsements by describing:
II. Technical Subject Areas
Task M: Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements
Objective: To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to the Code of Federal Regulations and related publications by describing:
II. Technical Subject Areas
Task M: Logbook Entries and Certificate Endorsements
Objective: To determine that the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to logbook entries and certificate endorsements by describing:
Oral Exam Questions